Monday, September 03, 2018

I'm all Alone now

No one Knows of me. My thoughts are my Own, I never Share. I notice no one else is either. Part of it is the Politicizers, perpetually Seeking to turn even the most Innocent of comments into Heresy, ripping you to Shreds without Hesitation or Compunction. And Part of is the times we live in. I miss everyone.

I've become a Cheat and a Swindler and a Scoundrel to remain alive. But in doing this I Died. No one Condemns me for this. Anyone who Sees you Walking around just Assumes you're a cheat and swindler too. The Power Lords publicly condemn the savagery of our world while privately Fostering the chaos and greed. I wish to Speak of my Sins but to whom can I Confess? None have Ears - it's too Dangerous. So I stagger along, writing this for no one. Very little of Me remains. I can't even look back at what I've Written before. It would only make me Realize my Loss of life.

Where is the Point? I die to Live and live to Die. The mad Scramble to consume the Last of the resources has Overtaken us. We Hate what we've become. Daily Treason assaults the mind, leaving you feeling there's Nowhere to turn: Imprisoned for life. Stranger avoids Stranger on the road; kill first before you're Killed. One must be a Crook to survive in the Green Zones or a Killer here in the Outlands. I want to scream to the heavens but Heaven has no Door.