Sunday, April 26, 2020

Hunters of Fear have no Fear

My Head spins faster than the World. Naked Evil has Revealed itself and Who or What can stop it? Even at rest my heart Races. The Dogs of Whores have been set upon us, to outright kill and destroy, period. Resources are too Scarce to share. So they make up Unreasonable reasons to Kill the Weak and Powerless. The dogs hunt us in a living Rage, angry at being Used by the Power Lords, Angry that doing their Lords' Bidding is the Only way they can feel Safe - and angry that Knowing they still aren't safe anyway. Terror begets Terror begets Terror.

I've asked before Why do I even Write? My words can only Condemn me in their Eyes. It is because I'm Forced to Keep my own Counsel. My body is Molting under the Duress of Breathing. The Worst of what I Foresaw has come to pass - and I cannot Bear it. I can't stand to See so many people Hurting. At Night, when Hiding in Abandoned buildings with other Refugees, I hear children Crying the Tears I dare not Unleash. We will Not be Rescued.

My hair Falls out. My Hope Runs out. I see no Way out. The dogs search Everywhere, Relentless in their Zeal, for they are Certain of what they do, so Closed are their Minds. The beasts and beastmasters fight for an End where No One survives. And they have been given to Rule. They believe the Sun does not Touch them. And so far, that has Proven so. Lust has won the Daylight. I Know that in The End they will be Consumed by their own Fire, never to Rise again. But what Good does that do me Now?