Sunday, October 07, 2018

Former Wars are just as Fatal

We don't have Wars anymore. Because they Never Stop, and the Reason for them is Forgotten, and Victory is not even Definable, our Shame in continuing them must now be Buried. We call them Pacifications, or Freedom Fighting, or even Former Wars. The Weight of Guilt burdens our souls with increasing Distress. So we Renamed our Sins to be endeavors of Good and suddenly we are Righteous once more, sanctified by our glorious Fig Leaf to give us cover. Cover from Whom, I wonder. It is only Ourselves we can deceive.

They recruit the Lonely, the Loveless, and the Forlorn to do the Dirty Work, feeding them a Compost of lies that they are Preserving the good. These Noble Missions give purpose to the Purposeless, filling the Void our world creates with our Jobs of rape and destruction. We are Craving something Real but are Blocked by our Greed. Our Wars are nothing more than a Mad Scramble to gobble up the remaining resources until they are gone. Are we really so Determined to be the Laughingstock of the Universe, a Dead Planet to mark us for all eternity as Fools too stupid to Live?

The Power Lords actually think they are Clever in their Wickedness. They see the Soulless Soldiers return from battle with their Minds Ripped in two who then turn the Gun on their own Heads. These Monsters Praise the soldiers' efforts with their Lips but despise them Behind closed doors. But they refuse to see their Power is Poison, that they Ingest their own Death. They are Freaks of Futility who Hide themselves away thinking their Power Poison makes them Safe. Only at the point of death do they realize their Self-Betrayal.

Monday, September 03, 2018

I'm all Alone now

No one Knows of me. My thoughts are my Own, I never Share. I notice no one else is either. Part of it is the Politicizers, perpetually Seeking to turn even the most Innocent of comments into Heresy, ripping you to Shreds without Hesitation or Compunction. And Part of is the times we live in. I miss everyone.

I've become a Cheat and a Swindler and a Scoundrel to remain alive. But in doing this I Died. No one Condemns me for this. Anyone who Sees you Walking around just Assumes you're a cheat and swindler too. The Power Lords publicly condemn the savagery of our world while privately Fostering the chaos and greed. I wish to Speak of my Sins but to whom can I Confess? None have Ears - it's too Dangerous. So I stagger along, writing this for no one. Very little of Me remains. I can't even look back at what I've Written before. It would only make me Realize my Loss of life.

Where is the Point? I die to Live and live to Die. The mad Scramble to consume the Last of the resources has Overtaken us. We Hate what we've become. Daily Treason assaults the mind, leaving you feeling there's Nowhere to turn: Imprisoned for life. Stranger avoids Stranger on the road; kill first before you're Killed. One must be a Crook to survive in the Green Zones or a Killer here in the Outlands. I want to scream to the heavens but Heaven has no Door.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Something Has Happened

Something has happened. To Me. To the World. To Time itself. Something reached the Point of No Return. It was Imperceptible in its event but you can feel the Aftermath. The Blackening has spread too far, too wide to ever be put back to the way things were. We kept Getting Used to less, and then Less again, always saying to ourselves, "Someday...". But that Day never comes.

I can see now it will be Night forever.

Great Panic is gripping hearts in fear, Choking us from speaking. What's left of the Press dare not speak truly of our Dire demise lest they be destroyed completely. At First, reporters dug for truth relentlessly, thinking they were serving a Purpose and helping bring Salvation. But we have been proven Untrustworthy. The People are the Enemy of the people. Hysterical scapegoating, Screaming confrontations, Wild-Eyed denial have reached a fever pitch, all signs of our Rot and Decay. No, never Admit the bad things happening - because it's the admittance that makes them be.

This is how terror comes to Rule: too many people Force death to come before they'll admit they're on the Wrong path.

I can see what the Difference is: hope. Suddenly Seems insane that I ever had hope but now that it's gone it's World Turning. Just Sink into the black and let it be. The Power Lords become more Vicious every day in desperate Bid to keep their place. Fearing Dissent over all else, they actually increase their Worship of cruelty in hopes of frightening their victims into Silence. Even as we openly Repeat the mistakes of the Past, our Stubbornness remains firm. Light must be crushed, our Misdeeds both Committed and Planned are too Numerous to be seen.