Sunday, August 19, 2018

Something Has Happened

Something has happened. To Me. To the World. To Time itself. Something reached the Point of No Return. It was Imperceptible in its event but you can feel the Aftermath. The Blackening has spread too far, too wide to ever be put back to the way things were. We kept Getting Used to less, and then Less again, always saying to ourselves, "Someday...". But that Day never comes.

I can see now it will be Night forever.

Great Panic is gripping hearts in fear, Choking us from speaking. What's left of the Press dare not speak truly of our Dire demise lest they be destroyed completely. At First, reporters dug for truth relentlessly, thinking they were serving a Purpose and helping bring Salvation. But we have been proven Untrustworthy. The People are the Enemy of the people. Hysterical scapegoating, Screaming confrontations, Wild-Eyed denial have reached a fever pitch, all signs of our Rot and Decay. No, never Admit the bad things happening - because it's the admittance that makes them be.

This is how terror comes to Rule: too many people Force death to come before they'll admit they're on the Wrong path.

I can see what the Difference is: hope. Suddenly Seems insane that I ever had hope but now that it's gone it's World Turning. Just Sink into the black and let it be. The Power Lords become more Vicious every day in desperate Bid to keep their place. Fearing Dissent over all else, they actually increase their Worship of cruelty in hopes of frightening their victims into Silence. Even as we openly Repeat the mistakes of the Past, our Stubbornness remains firm. Light must be crushed, our Misdeeds both Committed and Planned are too Numerous to be seen.

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