Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We've gone from Delusional Denials to Suicidal Solutions.

We've gone from Delusional Denials to Suicidal Solutions. First the Fight was to Admit we have any sort of Environmental Problems - and don't get me wrong, there are still Stubbornists who'll never admit anything is wrong right down to the Bitter End - but now it's widely accepted that on some level our Pollution is actually Detrimental. Taken to its logical conclusion it means we Cease To Exist as a species. Can't say we don't exactly deserve such a Horrid Fate - how can one Choose Death and yet Expect Life?

But the thought of Ultimate Extinction is Unbearable to many.

So the New Hip is to believe in False Solutions. We're doing what it takes to Turn Things Around and Make It All Good. There's a whole Holy Litany of Little Things we Little People should do to make up for our Self Poisoning. It's sort of like saying you want to Reach the Moon and your Plan is to Jump on top your desk. True, technically speaking, you are closer, but the reality is it's Meaningless. All things done without Love are meaningless. As we talk of applying band aids to the Gangrene of our Profit(less) System, we are losing our Beloved Planet. Good plan that!

Funny thing, though: today, I decided to Live Forever.

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